The holder created by the Ruiz Brothers on Adafruit and Thingiverse didn’t quite fit into the respirator portion of our gas mask, and we thought the attachment of the rings was also a little clunky. (But then, we’re relatively new to this whole 3D printing thing… so we’re not saying the Ruiz Brothers messed up… just “it didn’t work for us”.)
Just in case you’re interested in an alternative mount, here’s ours. It has more cut-out space to help with wire placement, and is a touch smaller to readily drop into the respirator space.
We use two small zip ties to hold the rings in place, and the extra open space allows easier guidance of wires. There are two unused holes — my thought is to zip tie the GEMM on the back of the holder. For software testing, we’re using a small breadboard (the one currently one from Adafruit, if you order $100 of stuff), with wires soldered to both rings and to the GEMMA. Our thought here is to then either solder the wires and cover with heat shrink, or maybe put the wires from the LEDs into a small connector, and the other end of the connector wired to the GEMMA. Then, if something happens to the GEMMA, we can unplug it, clip the zip tie, drop in a new one, replug and rezip… and away we go.